Sunday, January 19, 2014


Last weekend, we headed up to Flagstaff.  We had a free hotel stay at the Embassy Suites (best hotel in the world if you have kids, in my opinion.  Maybe that is why there were so many of them there. Anyway.) and we wanted to Emma to see snow for the first time.   It was fairly warm there during the day, so I didn't have the chance to put her in the little snowsuit that I'd scored for $10 on Craigslist.  Instead, we just doubled up on some layers and put a hat and mittens on.  
 Mama had more fun than Emma on the sled.  Emma was more interested in checking out the other sledding kids.  

 We found this bit of plastic at the sledding site.  You'll probably consider it pretty ghetto that we used it to sled down the hill.  Oh well. 

I couldn't get Emma to look at the camera for this picture.  In the spirit of "when you can't beat 'em, join 'em" Kory decided to check out what was capturing Emma's attention.  Still not sure what that was.  

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