Sunday, February 23, 2014

Boomerangs & Blowing Kisses

I'm enjoying some very rare "me time" right now, and chose to update this here blog.  Kory sensed that I needed a little time to get stuff done, so he took Emma out to get the car washed, return a shirt that doesn't fit, and to find her some short-sleeved shirts.  Yes, it has been that hot here.  I'll put her in a little pullover or sweatshirt in the morning for our drive to daycare, but otherwise, a short sleeve shirt is absolutely necessary, especially with as much as that little girl likes to be on the go.

Yesterday, we took a little time as a family and headed over to my favorite park in Anthem to enjoy this absolutely gorgeous spring day.  They have baby swings, slides that are small enough for Emma, and a huge swath of grass ready for almost any activity.  Kory stopped to get a Red Bull on the way (his weakness), and he picked up a boomerang on a whim while he was in Walgreens.  I'm pretty sure it has been forever since I've attempted a boomerang, so I was excited to give it a whirl.

We stopped first at Emma's swing....she LOVED it when Daddy pushed her hard.  She wasn't so into it with my soft pushes last time.  I guess she is a little daredevil and likes the thrill of the rush.

After a little bit of time on the swings and the slides, we headed over to this huge area of open field.  We felt bad about not bringing the dogs, who probably would have loved to run free.  Being leash-less isn't technically allowed, but I'm a little bit of a rule-breaker these days and was willing to take the risk.  But, the boys had had a hard week after getting their teeth cleaned (both had a ton of teeth pulled...lesson learned on brushing their teeth!), so we let them relax at home.

I set up a blanket next to the stroller, but Emma just wanted to run to wherever her Daddy was.  In no time at all, she knew to look up to watch the boomerang (still really difficult for me to get the knack of!) make an arc back to Daddy.  

I love these two pictures because you can really see just how tiny she is, even though she seems so big to me these days.  

 This girl just goes non-stop.  If she is fed, changed, and all milked-up, she can happily go, go, go for hours.  However, for my sanity, she usually stops and takes a nap mid-day.  I've noticed she takes two naps at Ms. Selena's during the week, but I think that may be because she wakes up extra early on those days, whereas she sleeps in to about 8am on weekends.  This morning, she slept in until about 9:30, which was great!  

Emma has been so busy this week.  She has started waving and saying "hi."  She has also started blowing kisses.  She isn't as consistent with it as she is with waving, but it is SOOOO cute when she does it.   On the not-so-cute side, she has started putting her finger up her nose, my nose, Kory's nose, etc.  I swear she touched my brain the other night when I was rocking her to sleep! Ouch!
She did suffer her first real injury at daycare.  She walked into the corner of a table, and got a pretty big scratch on the corner of her right eye.  You can't really see it in these pictures, though.  Anyway, I guess she just took the lickin' and kept on tickin'.  Didn't even cry.  

I don't have a picture handy, but our garden is doing great.  I had to thin out the spinach the other night. We planted them in clumps, and I guess you then thin out all but the strongest plant.  It was a little sad to have to pull up all those little spinach babies, but countless website and YouTube videos have told me it is all for the best. :)

Till next time!

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